Foto 13
Late Tourmaline breccia
Poorly sorted, subangular, matrix-supported, polimictic tourmaline breccia. All fragments show different grades of sericitic alteration supported by tourmaline-silica matrix and minor concentration of fine-grained pyrite mineralization.
Foto 14
Basic Cu-supergene profile
Copper mineralization distribution within Cu-oxide-secondary enrichment transition zone related to intense sericitic background. Notice replacement grade of secondary sulphides over primary imprint.
Foto 15
Limonites horizon
Classic profile of leached horizon over poorly mineralized primary zone with sericitic alteration scarcely developed.
Photo 16
Limonite distribution from high enrichment blanket
Hematite, jarosite and goethite distribution in a leached cap generated by oxidation processes over high enrichment blanket